Calculating Walking distance in Python. Networkx vs Pandana.

There is no need for GPU when Pandana is at least 1000 times faster.


Let's say you have spatial point data and you want to calculate walking distances between all combination of the points. For example, you have data of local bars and you want to find out all the walking distances between them, so you can include them in your regression model (or anything else), for example as a variable that defines how accessible two pubs are to each other.

This post will show you how you can do that in python using

  1. osmnx package to generate OSM road network
  2. networkx package to find the nearest point on that network and calulate the walking distance between them
  3. pandana package to make this significantly faster!


Availiable here


You might need some essential information that will help you to understand what we are doing here. Feel free to skip this part and go straight to the code.

What is the walking distance?

It's exactly what it says. Walking distance from one place to another. In other words, how far is the place from where I stand along the walking path. This information is crucial for estimating how long is it going to take me to go there, how much effort or money will this cost me. Those are all variables that contribute to estimations of accessibility, connectivity, mobility or others.


Estimating the walking distance.

The distance between two places/nodes is then the sum of the weights/lengths of all the paths/roads/edges that connects them.

This can be also referred to as the Shortest Path Problem, in which we are looking for the most efficient paths between nodes.


In this example, the shortest path between Node 1 and Node 2 is the $$SUM(Weight 3, Weight 2, Weight 4)$$. So if the weights represent a number of minutes (how long it takes to walk that path) then we would walk for 7 minutes. $$ 1+2+4=7$$

If would choose to go the other way, which is seemingly shorter, $$SUM(Weight 1, Weight 4)$$ $$8+4=12$$ We would walk for 12 minutes. Therefore the first option is the most efficient one.

Find the Nearest Neighbour

In any scenarios where the places you want to use for your analysis are not directly placed on the road or path, we need to connect the place to the network. We do this by finding the Nearest neighbouring node on the graph/network to the specific place. Both packages (networkx and pandana) have their own functions that can be used for these purposes.


Load the packages

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import osmnx as ox # install osmnx first, it will download appropriate version of networkx
import networkx as nx
from pyproj import CRS
import itertools

import pandana
# define coordinates if you need them
wgs84 = CRS(4326)
bng = CRS(27700)

Load the point data and create flows

pois = gpd.read_file("./points.geojson") # check the CRS

ID_code X Y geometry
0 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 POINT (-2.55906 51.50283)
1 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 POINT (-2.59614 51.45918)
2 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 POINT (-2.53883 51.48314)
3 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 POINT (-2.93035 51.36021)
4 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 POINT (-2.76732 51.48281)
# tale first 5 points and find all possinle combinations
pois = pois.iloc[0:6,:]

# create a list of all the ID's
p_li = list(pois['ID_code'].unique())

# get all unique combinations of all the origins and destinations
flows = pd.DataFrame(list(itertools.product(p_li,p_li))).rename(columns = {0:'origin',1:'destination'})
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 36 entries, 0 to 35
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------       --------------  ----- 
 0   origin       36 non-null     object
 1   destination  36 non-null     object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 704.0+ bytes

Using Networkx

Load Graph

The osmnx package has very useful function ‘graph_from_bbox’ which loads the osm roads graph quite quickly. Here I am loading walking paths for whola area of Avon where my points are located, which is quite a big area so expect this to take few minutes.

# create bounding box for our data 
bbox = [51.623985, 51.291124,  -2.272797, -3.029480] 

# generate graph based on the bounding box
avon = ox.graph_from_bbox(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], 
# get the nodes and the edges into geopandas
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(avon, nodes=True, edges=True)

Find the nearest node to each point with osmnx.get_nearest_node()

# define function for the nearest neighbour
def nearest_node(a,b):
    nearest_node,dist=ox.get_nearest_node(avon, (a,b), return_dist=True, method = 'euclidean')  
    return nearest_node
# apply the function
pois['NX_node'] = np.vectorize(nearest_node)(pois['Y'],pois['X'])

ID_code X Y geometry NX_node
0 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 POINT (-2.55906 51.50283) 2914306154
1 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 POINT (-2.59614 51.45918) 1859320333
2 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 POINT (-2.53883 51.48314) 2094196650
3 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 POINT (-2.93035 51.36021) 317399984
4 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 POINT (-2.76732 51.48281) 2488740793
# create list of the node id's and check if they exist and if they are on the right place
nodelist = list(pois['NX_node'].unique())


y x street_count highway ref geometry
317399984 51.360246 -2.930589 2 NaN NaN POINT (-2.93059 51.36025)
1859320333 51.459442 -2.596420 2 NaN NaN POINT (-2.59642 51.45944)
2094196650 51.482695 -2.538694 2 NaN NaN POINT (-2.53869 51.48270)
2424544775 51.413646 -2.571651 2 NaN NaN POINT (-2.57165 51.41365)
2488740793 51.483134 -2.767173 2 NaN NaN POINT (-2.76717 51.48313)
2914306154 51.502744 -2.558880 1 NaN NaN POINT (-2.55888 51.50274)
# get the node id's to flow data
# create two seperate data the target origins and target destinations with the XY coordinates
flows_full = flows.merge(pois.loc[:, pois.columns != 'geometry'], left_on = 'origin', right_on = 'ID_code', how = 'left')

# lets just rename everything for the sake of clarity
flows_full = flows_full.merge(pois.loc[:, pois.columns != 'geometry'], left_on = 'destination', right_on = 'ID_code', how = 'left').rename(columns = {'NX_node_x':'node_o','NX_node_y':'node_d', 'X_x':'X_o','Y_x':'Y_o', 'X_y':'X_d','Y_y':'Y_d', 'ID_code_x':'ID_code_o', 'ID_code_y':'ID_code_d'})


origin destination ID_code_o X_o Y_o node_o ID_code_d X_d Y_d node_d
0 A91120 A91120 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 2914306154
1 A91120 A99931 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 1859320333
2 A91120 A99986 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 2094196650
3 A91120 L81002 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 317399984
4 A91120 L81004 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 2488740793

Check that the nodes are on the corect place

# check that the nodes are close to the points
plt.figure( figsize=(10,10))
fig = plt.plot()
ax = plt.axes()

nodes[nodes.index.isin(nodelist)].plot(ax=ax, markersize = 60, color="b" )
pois.plot(ax=ax, markersize = 20, color="r");


Looks fine to me

Apply the networkx.shortest_path_length

# define a function that calculates shortest path between the nodes on graph
def path_length(row):
    return nx.shortest_path_length(avon, row['node_o'], row['node_d'], weight='length')

# apply the function to our OD data
%timeit flows_full['path_length'] = flows_full.apply(path_length, axis=1)
26.8 s ± 1.58 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# This is approximately
print(str(round((26.8*(7*1))/60,2)) + ' minutes')
3.13 minutes

origin destination ID_code_o X_o Y_o node_o ID_code_d X_d Y_d node_d path_length
0 A91120 A91120 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 2914306154 0.000
1 A91120 A99931 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 1859320333 6960.514
2 A91120 A99986 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 2094196650 4333.457
3 A91120 L81002 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 317399984 36334.316
4 A91120 L81004 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 2488740793 19754.732

Using Pandana

Load the graph

Listen, I have tried to use the osm loader inside the pandana, but it took ages. after 2 hours of loading, I decided it will be easier to get the previously loaded osm graph with osmnx and use that as a base for the pandana graph. You can just simply use the geodataframes of nodes and flows for the base of your graph.

# reset index so our origins and destinations are not in idnex
edges = edges.reset_index()

# create network with pandana
avon_pan = pandana.Network(nodes['x'], nodes['y'], 
                          edges['u'], edges['v'], edges[['length']])

Find the nearest nodes to our points in pandana graph

# we are going to define the origins and destinations separately as alist
# get_node_ids uses kdtree writen in c++, google it its like a magic

origin_nodes = avon_pan.get_node_ids(flows_full.X_o, flows_full.Y_o).values

dests_nodes = avon_pan.get_node_ids(flows_full.X_d, flows_full.Y_d).values

origin destination ID_code_o X_o Y_o node_o ID_code_d X_d Y_d node_d path_length
0 A91120 A91120 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 2914306154 0.000
1 A91120 A99931 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 1859320333 6960.514
2 A91120 A99986 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 2094196650 4333.457
3 A91120 L81002 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 317399984 36334.316
4 A91120 L81004 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 2488740793 19754.732

Calculate distances using pandana ‘shortest_path_lengths’

flows_full['distances'] = pd.Series(avon_pan.shortest_path_lengths(origin_nodes, dests_nodes))
Wall time: 144 ms
# How much faster is this from networkx

This is more than 1000times faster!


origin destination ID_code_o X_o Y_o node_o ID_code_d X_d Y_d node_d path_length distances
0 A91120 A91120 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A91120 -2.559063 51.502830 2914306154 0.000 0.000
1 A91120 A99931 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99931 -2.596140 51.459182 1859320333 6960.514 6960.508
2 A91120 A99986 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 A99986 -2.538833 51.483143 2094196650 4333.457 4333.454
3 A91120 L81002 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81002 -2.930352 51.360207 317399984 36334.316 36334.302
4 A91120 L81004 A91120 -2.559063 51.50283 2914306154 L81004 -2.767317 51.482805 2488740793 19754.732 19754.729

The distances seems to be satisfying but are we sure that the packages picked up the same nodes?

Check that the nodes are the same as those from NetworkX

x = origin_nodes == flows_full['node_o']

count       36
unique       1
top       True
freq        36
Name: node_o, dtype: object
y = dests_nodes == flows_full['node_d']
count       36
unique       1
top       True
freq        36
Name: node_d, dtype: object

This looks spot on.


Google Colab

If you want to run this on Google Colab, you need to install

  1. Geopandas
  2. OsmnX
  3. Matplotlib
# install Geopandas
# Important library for many geopython libraries
!apt install gdal-bin python-gdal python3-gdal 
# Install rtree - Geopandas requirment
!apt install python3-rtree 
# Install Geopandas
!pip install git+git://
# Install descartes - Geopandas requirment
!pip install descartes 
# Install Folium for Geographic data visualization
!pip install folium
# Install plotlyExpress
!pip install plotly_express# install packages
# osmnx
# this gives errors but works idea
!apt-get -qq install -y libspatialindex-dev && pip install -q -U osmnx 
ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True)
!python -m pip uninstall matplotlib
!pip install matplotlib==3.1.3# mount the drive

Environment set up

name: graphs
  - conda-forge
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